It is tough to make a living nowadays as many people work their fingers to the bone just to make ends meet.
Though times are tough, most people are working in places with air conditioning.
There are others, however, that do not mind getting their hands dirty to make a bit of money.
National Geographic Channel’s (NGC) Filthy Riches 2 travels across the United States looking for those who are not afraid to get filthy in order to get rich.
Ray Turner, the self-described eel kings, has been trapping eels on the Delaware River for the past 30 years.
Ray Turner自稱是鰻魚王,過去三十年都在德拉瓦河設陷阱捕捉鰻魚。
In one episode, Turner paddles his boat up to his wooden eel trap to check the catch for the day.
其中有一集,Ray Turner划著他的船,前往他的木製鰻魚陷阱來檢查他當日的漁獲量。
To his surprise, more than two dozen eels have accidentally swum their way into Turner’s trap.
The eels are already caught, but Turner won’t get paid unless he transports them back to shore.
雖然這些鰻魚早已被捉住,但是除非Ray Turner把他們打撈上岸,才能換取現金。
That means Turner and those two dozen or so eels have to go along for boat ride together up the river.
這表示Ray Turner必須和那兩打坐有的鰻魚一起搭船在河上航行一段路。
To see Turner and many others get filthy rich, tune into NGC this month to watch Filthy Riches 2.
想看看Ray Turner和其他人如何弄髒手來賺錢,就請鎖定這個月的國家地理頻道《不可思議的賺錢術2》